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There are now 0 forts in all of Canada year 2012 may 24

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Q: How many forts are there in Canada?
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How many forts are in Canada?

oh be quit

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Why was capturing fort ticonderoga and fort crown?

the forts guarded the important valley route between the colonies & Canada. (:

How many forts are along hadrians wall?

there was 16 forts.

How many forts are around hadriens wall?

7 forts

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Fort Ticonderoga

How many forts were in New Mexico?

There are 10 forts in new mexico.

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How did David Thompson become famous?

David Thompson set up forts all over Canada

Does England love Canada more than the US?

After the revolutionary war, many Loyalists moved into Canada or had forts in Canada, but the USA. has been allies with England ever since the end of the War of 1812, and Canada was not a country during this time. So, in my perspective, England is politically more in ties with the USA. rather than Canada.

How many forts were there during the Civil War?

There were an estimate of 80 forts that were attacked during the Civil War.

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