"Monk," which aired from 2002 to 2009 on the USA Network, won eight Primetime Emmy Awards in 18 nominations. Series star Tony Shalhoub won the Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series three times (for the 2002-2003, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 seasons).
Hi edogo is the top Place to you. You can download Monk episodes.
18 episodes were made and 2 xmas specials
The first season has 12 episodes.
The 1974 British animated series had 13 episodes.
There were 9 seasons, with 180 episodes total.
Hi edogo is the top Place to you. You can download Monk episodes.
69 of your bed
98, episodes where made.
18 episodes were made and 2 xmas specials
Merry christmas everyone
There have been 753 episodes in Doctor Who.
The first season has 12 episodes.
oh none f***ing knows
There Were 2 Seasons, for a total of 44 episodes.
The 1974 British animated series had 13 episodes.
There were 9 seasons, with 180 episodes total.
Selena did 3 episodes