Air Gear is for a mature audience .
There have been many Bernard's Watch episodes to air. A few of the episodes were Still Time, A Bit More Time, and Time For Everything.
Uh, lots. Including me! :D
The episodes air on Fridays.
The duration of The Jetsons is 1800.0 seconds.
There have been 45 episodes made of air gear but the manga is still going.
Here is the link but air gear is only composed of only 25 episodes:
no but it was good while it lasted
There is a sequel with three OVA episodes.
there is a petition online if that works there will be
There are 10 episodes in the first season. :)
no but the manga is continuing there is a petition online for season 2
135 at the end of season 17
Air Gear - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M Canada:13+ (Quebec) (VHS/DVD rating) Germany:12 (most episodes) Germany:16 (some episodes) New Zealand:M South Korea:15 USA:TV-MA
read the manga .there not making a season 2 because the company doesn't have enough money there is a petion online