5392 miles
Approximate distance in miles from Cape Town South Africa to Birmingham United States is 8231 miles or 13243.68 Kilometers
The straight line distance is approximately 5200 miles.
5,170 nautical miles
It is part of the Greater Cape Town (South Africa) Metropolitan area, about 12 miles from the city center
About 200 miles
3 hours
No. But Massachusetts has a cape.
150 miles
Is Cape Cod in Maine??? I WISH they would come to Maine.
No it is not.
Cape Canaveral to Clearwater is 150.56 miles and would take 2 hours and 38 minutes to drive. [Source: Mapquest]
about 9 hours 480 miles
The distance from Johannesburg to Cape Town is 1399.8 kilometers or 869.79 miles. It takes about 15 hours to drive between the two.
The Gulf Stream.