

Best Answer

They together had six.

  1. Ares
  2. Enyo
  3. Hebe
  4. Eileithyia
  5. Hephaestus
  6. Eris
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Q: How many children did hera have with zeus in total?
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How many of Hera's children are by Zeus?

All six of Hera's children were fathered by Zeus.AresEnyoHebeEileithyiaHephaestusEris

How many kids do Hera and Zeus got?

they had six children

How many children did Zeus have?

hera threw him off stuff

Who is the ugliest child of hera and Zeus?

Hephaestus was considered the ugliest of Zeus and Hera's children

How many brothers and sisters did Hephaestus have?

The sons and daughters of Zeus and Hera are his siblings, Hera had six children while Zeus had many more because of his affairs.

Zeus was hera's?

Yes, but Zeus was known to sire many children with a multitude of other women.

Who were not Zeus' children but Hera's?

Ares, Hebe and Ilithyia were Hera's and Zeus's children together. Hephaestus and Typhon were Hera's children without consort or mate. Pasithea was another possible daughter.

Who were the gods who Zeus had children with?


Who is related to Zeus?

Zeus's parents were Cronus and Rhea and was married to Hera. His children include Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysys, Perseus, Heracles (Hercules), Helen, Minos, the Muses, Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus. Not all of Zeus's children are Hera's children because Zeus had a tendency to be not-so-loyal to Hera sometimes. Zeus was the youngest of his siblings, who are Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon (yes he married his sister 0_0).

Is Hera and Zeus twins?

No, Hera and Zeus are not twins. Hera is the sister and wife of Zeus in Greek mythology. They are both children of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, but Hera is usually depicted as being the younger sister of Zeus.

Who were children of Zeus and Hera?

Hercules an persues

Did Zeus have children with Hera?

Yes he had a few with her