Each Gemini spacecraft launched 2 astronauts. 16 different astronauts flew a total of 10 Gemini flights. The last 4 Gemini flights (Gemini 9 through 12) were commanded by astronauts who had previously flown on an earlier Gemini flight.
There were 2 astronauts on each Project Gemini mission.
There were two men in each Gemini module(The constellation Gemini is the twins)
there where nine atsronuts :)
Two. A command pilot (commander) and a pilot (technically a co-pilot -- a term which is taboo among astronauts).
The Mercury program
Project Mercury.
Apollo 11
alan shephard
NASAS voyonger 2 was the first to visit neptune
Film media has played a significant role in boosting NASA's popularity by portraying astronauts as heroes and showcasing their adventures in space. Films such as "Apollo 13" and "First Man" have captivated audiences and generated interest in space exploration. This exposure has helped increase public support for NASA's missions and initiatives.
Due to limitation in budget, the NASA is going to quit manufacturing Space Shuttles and again start making ordinary rockets.