6 movies
The man
George Melies made 500 movies in total
None. All Disney movies are made at Disney's studios, not at a "foreign" studio
A total of 13 dragon heart movies have been made.
6 movies
The man
George Melies made 500 movies in total
None. All Disney movies are made at Disney's studios, not at a "foreign" studio
13 movies of Pokemon
2 movies and 1 cartoon movie
Some scientists might know how many silent movies were made. Personally, I do not know, for silent movies were made quite a long time ago.
A total of 13 dragon heart movies have been made.
about 3 or 4
It depends. He made 49 movies that are classified as "silent" films, but made many more in which he did not speak any lines of dialog, so he was silent, but the movies were not.
He was in 23 movies, most were small and not popular.