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Q: How many Robinson Crusoe books have been sold since 1719?
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When was Robinson Crusoe by Daniel DeFoe published?

Robinson Crusoe was published in 1719 by Daniel Defoe.

When was The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe created?

The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe was created in 1719.

Did Jonathan Swift write Robinson Crusoe?

No, Daniel Defoe wrote "Robinson Crusoe" in 1719. Jonathan Swift was the author of "Gulliver's Travels," published in 1726.

Who wrote Robinson Crusoe?

Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe. It was first published in 1719 and is considered one of the first English novels.

Who rote the book Robinson Crusoe?

it was written by Daniel defoe and i think it was published in 1719

When did Richard edward king publish Robinson crusoe?

Richard Edward King did not publish Robinson Crusoe - the novel was written by Daniel Defoe and first published in 1719.

Robinson Crusoe is written by whom?

Daniel defoe?

Who was crusoe's creator?

Daniel Defoe is the creator of Robinson Crusoe, a novel published in 1719 that follows the adventures of a shipwrecked sailor stranded on a deserted island.

What has the author David Blewett written?

David Blewett has written: 'The illustration of Robinson Crusoe, 1719-1920' -- subject(s): Adventure stories, English, Crusoe, Robinson (Fictitious character), in art, English Adventure stories, Illustration of books, Illustrations, Survival after airplane accidents, shipwrecks, etc., in art

What was the time that the character Robinson Crusoe was developed?

The novel Robinson Crusoe was published for the first time in April 25 1719. It is unknown when exactly the character was formed, but it is very likely it was sometime shortly before that date.

Were Robinson Crusoe and Alice in Wonderland written in the same year?

No. Alice in Wonderland (actually "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland") was written in 1865 by Lewis Carroll (the nom-de-plume of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). Robinson Crusoe was written in 1719 by Daniel Defoe.

Is Robinson Crusoe is a fiction or nonfiction story?

"Robinson Crusoe" is a work of fiction. It was written by Daniel Defoe and published in 1719 as a novel. It tells the story of a man stranded on a desert island and his struggle for survival.