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The best guestimate is that there are about 150 Klan chapters and approx. 8,000 members nationwide.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Now, something like 5,000 members, although there are still others who hold similar beliefs such as Neo-Nazis who are not counted among this number.

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Q: How many KKK members are there in the USA?
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What are the release dates for KKK Rises - 2012?

KKK Rises - 2012 was released on: USA: 13 August 2012 (internet)

Why did the KKK kill the African Americans?

The kkk kill them because they don't like them.

When did the KKK begin?

The KKK was formed at the end of the US Civil War in Pulaski, Tennessee.

Why did the Ku Klux Klan burn crosses?

The Ku Klux Klan, the organization most closely associated with burning crosses, identifies itself as Christian and tries to squeeze under the protected speech of the First Amendment.The KKK has since the early 1866 taken some of the rituals of the Scottish clans who would set hillside crosses ablaze as symbols of defiance against military rivals or to rally troops when a battle was imminent, but cross-burning was not part of terror on re the Scottish clans and it was the KKK that took it further as a warning to those that dare interfere with a pure race of white supremists movement.They started to burn crosses when film makers put them in movies. This motivated the KKK. Also a poem called The Lady of the Lake talks about a burning cross to summon the Scottish clans.It was in Scotland that the 'fiery cross' called Crann Tara was created as a declaration of war. Even though some KKK members where of Scottish descent there is no proof that this ritual was brought over from Scotland.The KKK was united in 1866 in Tennessee by six veterans of the Confederate Army until Ulysses S. Grant destroyed the KKK by the Civil Rights Act of 1871. This, however, did not deter the KKK from terrorizing the blacks. It was William J. Simmons the founder of the second clan that used the burning of the cross by the KKK more often which was called 'cross burning' or cross lighting' to let other KKK members know where to meet and to defend what they considered their territory and to terrorize blacks and whites alike that disagreed with their Aryan order. Many citizens thought it was a sacralidge to burn the cross, but the KKK defended themselves by claiming they burned the crosses as a symbol of their faith in what their belief system was. The KKK killed not only blacks, but whites and also a few politicians along the way.The Reconstruction era Klan did not burn crosses; Thomas Dixon in 1902 - 1907 with his trilogy novels romanticized this version.Once a mighty force the KKK has weakened a great deal, but still exists in some States and in Canada to this day. They have gone from millions of members to just thousands.

Who were the main victims of the KKK?

The main direct victims were black Americans but everyone has been harmed to some degree by the KKK.