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From the time the ANZACs arrived in Gallipoli in April until the time the 260-day campaign ended, it is believed that 8709 Australians had been killed, although this figure varies, according to different sources. Of these, an estimated 700 died from disease alone. In addition, there were 2721 New Zealand soldiers killed at Gallipoli.

It is interesting to note that there were 33 072 British fatalities (from all forces, not just the army) and approximately 10,000 French. In addition, it is estimated that 87,000 Turkish soldiers died at Anzac Cove.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Turkish casualties were estimated at 87,000 The British lost 21,000 troops, the number of Australian and New Zealand troops including ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) casualties also ran high at 11,421 approx. (New Zealand: 2721, Australia 8700. approx.) Information from Alan Moorehead's 'Gallipoli'.

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11y ago

There was no "ANZAC war". ANZAC refers to the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who were killed during the campaign at Gallipoli. There were over 8500 Australian troops who died in this campaign.

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14y ago

2,450 New Zealand soldiers were killed at Gallipoli, and 5,150 recorded as missing or wounded.

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16y ago

Australia had 7,594 killed. New Zealand had 2,701 killed.

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14y ago

Appox. 20,000 Turkish Casualties; see the related link.

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12y ago

about 11,000

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Q: How many ANZACs were killed at Gallipoli?
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How brave were the ANZACs?

Throughout the Gallipoli Campaign the ANZAC soldiers fought with bravery not found in many British soldiers. The ANZACs showed this bravery when storming up the beaches and cliffs knowing that they may not make it to the top.

What is the name of the beach at Gallipoli that the ANZACs landed on?

The troops landed at Anzac Cove on 25 April 1915, but its original name was Ari Birun.

How many New Zealand soldiers were killed on Turkish soil?

We don't really know exactly how many soldiers died in Turkey during the Gallipoli Campaign 1915 because of the nature of this bloody battle. When they were excavating a part of the Gallipoli are in order to build this controversial new road in Gallipoli a few years ago, they unearthed yet more bones. Official figures though indicates that 2431 New Zealand soldiers lost their lives out of 7571 total New Zealand casualties.

Why did New Zealand go to war with turkey?

Newzealand and Australia fought together in the name of Anzacs. They fought in Gallipoli in Turkey. The Gallipoli campaign was the their major first major battle. So that why it has Anzacs day. They fought in gallipoli because Turkey was Germany side. So the commonwealth (Britain) wanted Anzacs to capture the capital city of Turkey(I don't know what its name sorry) so that they can able to send the supply to Russia. The rusult was Anzacs lost.

How old were the ANZAC soldiers who fought at Gallipoli?

Some of the ANZACs were just young lads who were desperate to fight for their country. The youngest known ANZAC was 16, but there are unofficial reports there might have been boys as young as 14 who faked their age. There would have been soldiers in the twenties, thirties and forties.

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How many australians survived gallipoli?

how many anzacs survied gallipoli

How many anzacs died on the first day of the gallipoli campaign?

300 anzacs died on the first day of the gallipoli campaign

About how many ANZACs were taken prisoner at gallipoli?

less than a hundred were taken prisoner at Gallipoli

What did the anzacs sleep in at gallipoli?

the anzacs wouldn't sleep somet

Who won in Gallipoli - the ANZACs or the Turks?

There was no victory for the ANZACs in Turkey. Sadly, the entire Gallipoli campaign was a failure for everyone but the Turks.

How many anzacs died?

over 10,000 men died at gallipoli

How did the anzacs get their horses to gallipoli?

on a boat

Did the anzacs win at gallipoli?

Not exactly

Where did the anzacs sleep at gallipoli?

In the trenches.

Who won in Gallipoli the Anzac's or the Turks?

not the anzacs

Where did the Anzacs do their training before Gallipoli?


What month and year did the Anzac's withdraw from Gallipoli?

The ANZACs withdrew from Gallipoli in December 1915.