Air distance from Cleveland, Ohio to Auckland, New Zealand is 8,460 miles. That is 13,615 kilometers. It is 7,351 nautical miles.
Your flight time will be 23 hours if you fly from Scotland to New Zealand.
Hooked on the Fly - 2009 New Zealand Fly Fishing the Land of the Long White Cloud 1-12 was released on: USA: 22 March 2010
13 hours and 9 minutes
The flight time from New Zealand to Austin, Texas is: 15 hours, 25 minutes
As an example, Continental flies from IAH to Cleveland (CLE) in about 2:40, and the return flight takes 3 hours.
A flight from Cleveland, Ohio to U.S. Virgin Islands take about 4 and a half hours. The distance from Cleveland, Ohio to U.S. Virgin Islands is 1,920 miles or 3,089 kilometers,
It takes approx. 3h 15m to reach cleveland ohio if you go from a flight. It takes approx. 35 minutes if you prefer to go via a rocket.
It depends on where you are?
It takes 15 hours 45 minutes to fly from New Zealand to Oklahoma.
From Cleveland, Ohio to Orlando, Florida it is about a 16 hour drive by car. This is not factoring in rest stops and fuel stops. If a person wanted to fly from Cleveland, Ohio to Orlando, Florida the plane trip would take about 2 hours. The distance is about 1,037 miles.
about 16 hurs from Cleveland to abu dahbi
12.5 hours.
4 hours
15 hours.
14 to 19 hours, approximately, depending on the flight you choose.
2 hours