The flight from Boston, MA, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands takes 7 hours.
The flight time from Perth Airport to Amsterdam, Netherlands is about 17 hours, 34 minutes.
A flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands --> Luton, UKwould take under 1 hour (about 45 minutes).
Edinburgh (EDI) to Amsterdam (AMS)Shortest Flight Duration 1 hour 30 mins
Approximate flight duration time from Tokyo to Amsterdam is:12 hrs
The flight from Boston, MA, USA to Amsterdam, Netherlands takes 7 hours.
A typical flight from Nigeria to Amsterdam, Netherlands takes about 5 to 6 hours.
The flight time from Perth Airport to Amsterdam, Netherlands is about 17 hours, 34 minutes.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Amsterdam, Netherlands would have a flying time of about 9 hours, 51 minutes.
It will take about 11 hours and 30 minutes.
A typical flight between Amsterdam, Netherlands and Geneva, Switzerland would have a flying time of about 51 minutes.
There is no flight necessary to go to Keukenhof Gardens in Lisse Netherlands from Amsterdam. In fact, a flight isn't necessary to get to any place in the Netherlands because the country is so small. To offer a bit of perspective on the size of the country, the Netherlands is 4 times SMALLER than the state of Florida. Keukenhof Gardens takes about an hour to reach by public transportation from Amsterdam.
The 4,000 mile flight from Menomonee Falls to Amsterdam will take about 9 hours.
A flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands --> Luton, UKwould take under 1 hour (about 45 minutes).
Flight:Leeds Bradford (LBA) to Amsterdam (AMS)Flight Duration 1 hour 15 minsDistance:The distance between Leeds, England to Amsterdam, Netherlands is 285 miles (459 km).
Edinburgh (EDI) to Amsterdam (AMS)Shortest Flight Duration 1 hour 30 mins
Flight:New York, NY (NYC) to Amsterdam (AMS)Flight Duration 7 hours 10 minsDistance:The distance from New York City to Amsterdam, Netherlands is 3652 miles (5877 km).