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It takes 4 to 6 years to grow back to the same maturity

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Q: How long does it take to grow bamboo after it is cut?
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How long does it take to grow your hair after a hair cut?

Well, it depends on how short you cut it and how long you want it to grow.

Where do you get bamboo in India?

Bamboo is cut bush and cut into bamboo

Do eyebrows grow back if cut with scissors and how long would it take .Please answer as soon as possible?

They will grow back but they take a long time. Sounds to me like someone cut them off in the middle of the night as a prank.

How long is Bamboo's life span?

Most bamboo stalks live up to 15 years. They grow bigger, thicker and taller each year. However, the stalks only grow about two months each year at spring time, but they grow very fast. Up to four feet per day in some areas. Underground the roots are always growing. Once it is established you can thin them out. If you cut a stalk it will never grow back, but others will pop up in it's place. Controlling bamboo is not as bad as most people say. A simple lawn mower will take care of the bamboo you don't want. I love my bamboo!

How a man can get long hair?

Grow it out and not get it cut, obviously. It'll take a couple years.

What do koalas use to cut down bamboo?

Panda's eat bamboo not koalas, koalas live in Australia and eat gum tree leaves and bamboo doesn't grow in Australia. Panda's use their claws to grab the bamboo and eat it.

If you shaved your head how long would it take to grow a bob hair cut?

1 year

How do you get long boy hair?

Don't cut it. Learn how to take care of your individual hair and It will grow.

Do koalas cut down bamboo?

Koalas do cut down bamboo and that is how they are useful.

Can lucky bamboos be cut?

Yes, when they are at least 1 foot long on the bamboo, not the stem.

How long does it take for a tree to dry out after being cut down?

it takes 10 seconds for a tree to grow

Could a bamboo plant grow its roots back when they are cut off?

No, if the roots of a bamboo plant are severed, they will not grow back. The plant would need its roots to absorb nutrients and water from the soil to survive.