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he did not live with his grandparents that long. only one month

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Q: How long did neil armstong live on his grandparents farm?
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Can a A minor with approval of parent go to live with a grandparent?

yes, as long as the parents agree to allow their child to live with their grandparents its fine as long as the grandparents can support the child.

How old do you have to be to live with your grandparents and your parents have no say?

you can live with them for as long as you want although it would be weird. i moved out when i was 25

How long was neil armstong an astronaut?

no its not 20 years i think

I am 16 can you live with your grandparents but they live in Texas and i live in kansas?

You might be able to if you talk to your parents first, but it might take a long time on a plane.

How long did Barack Obama live in Indonesia?

He lived there with his mother and step-father for about four years from 1967 until 1971 . In 1971, he came back to Honolulu to live with his grandparents.

What animals are 3 letters long and that live in a farm?

Pig Dog Cat Cow Hen

Can you insure cattle and equipment located on the family farm if you live in town?

Yes, as long as the cattle and equipment on the farm are owned by you. Check with your local farm/livestock insurance provider for more information.

How long do pig live for at a farm?

It depends on how you take care of them.And it also states the matter of how many you have living on the farm. Also it depends on how much you feed them.

How long do anatolian shepherds live?

The life span of an Anatolian Shepherd is 10 - 13 years.

How long does it take for a mother to give birth to her foal?

about 8 hours not lieing i live on a farm and saw it happen

How long is a farm?

A farm is as long as the dimensions in the deed or deeds that comprise the property.

How long do farm salmon live?

Farm salmon typically live for 2-3 years before being harvested for consumption. In the wild, salmon can live up to 6-7 years or even longer depending on the species.