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Q: How is supply and demand used in monsters inc?
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what is Monsters, Inc. about?

There will not be a Monsters Inc. 2. However, there is a Monsters Inc. prequel entitled "Monsters University".

Who is a lion from Monsters Inc?

There is no lion in Monsters, Inc.

Is there a Monsters Inc 3 being considered?

If I know my stuff (and believe me I'm monsters Inc's #1 fan), then yes .

Will there be a Monsters Inc 4?

Shouldn't there be a Monsters Inc. II first?

Will there be a monsters inc?

There will be a Monsters Inc 2, it is supposed to be coming out June 21st, 2013, the movie will not be called Monsters Inc 2, it will be called Monsters University.

Who is the voice of suly in Monsters Inc?

John Goodman did the voice of Sulley in Monsters, Inc.

What year did Monsters Inc come out in cinemas?

Monsters Inc came out in the theatres in 2001

Where is the Monsters Inc theater on poptropica?

the monsters inc. is on big nate island to the left

Is there going to be a sequel to Monsters Inc?

They are making a monsters inc 2 right now, it is supposed to be coming out November 2, 2012.

What voice did frank oz do in Monsters Inc?

Frank Oz did the voice of Fungus in Monsters, Inc.

Where do you get the Monsters Inc clothes on club penguin?

Go to your igloo edit and then select monsters inc

Will Monsters Inc have a sequel?

There will be a Monsters Inc 2, it is supposed to be coming out on November 2, 2012