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Q: How is a non conducting diode is biased?
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How is a non-conducting diode biased?

A nonconducting diode is biased in the reversed direction (reverse polarization).

What happen of a a diode When forward-biased?

when a diode is forward biased it conducts current

Which best describes a conducting forward-biased germanium diode?

Negitive cathode, positive anode, voltage accross barrier = 0.3V

When both junction of npn diode reverse biased the the diode in what state?

reverse biased

The bluk resistance of a diode depends on?

Bulk resistance of diode depends on how it is biased. The bulk resistance of a diode is the approximate resistance of the diode when it is forward biased.

Describe forward-biased diode?

A specific amount of current is allowed to flow through a diode. If the current passing through the diode exceeds this specific value, the diode gets heated and is likely to be damaged. Therefore, in the biasing circuit of a resistance which limits the current passing through the diode within its specific value is called Forward biased diode. ANSWER: A forward bias diode is just a diode that it is conducting in the forward direction. Positive to anode and negative to cathode

If the dmm probes were forward biased across a silicon diode and a resistance reading of infinity was observed what conclusion could be made about the diode?

If the digital multimeter probes were forward biased across a silicon diode and a resistance reading of infinity was observed, it suggests that the diode is not conducting current in the forward direction. This could indicate that the diode may be faulty or damaged.

Is zener diode a linear device?

Zener diode is not a linear device... it is non-linear one. Since linear devices are those devices which have linear characteristics(V-I CHAR.), or follows the Ohm's law i.e. voltage is directly proportional to current. but in case of Zener diode ohm's law fails down. the V-I char. in both forward biased & reverse biased condition is non-linear. So. Zener diode is non-linear device

How are trapped energy energy recovwred by a diode?

Trapped energy is recovered by a diode through the process of forward biasing and reverse recovery. When the diode is forward biased, it conducts current and releases the stored energy. During reverse recovery, the stored energy is returned as the diode switches from conducting to blocking state.

List the two conditions under which a diode is operated?

A diode is a semiconductor material which has p region and n region. In order to "turn on" and conduct current in the forward direction, a diode requires a certain amount of positive voltage to be applied across it. An ideal diode conducts only when the diode is forward biased, and then the voltage drop across the diode (Vd) is zero. When the ideal diode is reverse biased, no current flows. The two conditions to operate a diode are: (a) Current flow is permitted; the diode is forward biased. (b) Current flow is prohibited; the diode is reversed biased. When the polarity of the battery is such that current is allowed to flow through the diode, the diode is said to be forward-biased.

In which configuration does a diode conduct?

Forward biased is the configuratiuon that a diode conducts.

What if a semiconductor diode is being tested using a digital multimeter and the resistance of the diode is 10 ohms in both forward and reverse-biased conditions is the diode shorted or opened?

The diode is neither shorted nor open. It is a zener diode and it is conducting in both directions. If it were truly shorted, it would read closer to zero ohms in both directions.