Its poor.....Its overall ranking is around 60-70.....It may vary according to the subjects..
Banaras Hindu University is located in Varnasi, is world famous university and top ranking in india.
As of 2014, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is ranked as the best university in the world for electronics engineering. Others in the top 10 include Stanford University, the University of Cambridge, and the University of California, Berkeley.
in India its on 9th number. can not be calcuated on the basis of world ranking.
In 30th of august 2012 he was ranked 213th in the world in golf.
New Zealand's Women's Rugby team, The Black Ferns (Not to be confused with "The Silver Ferns", which are NZ's netball team) are ranked 1st in the world and are more sucessful than the All Blacks (For the oblivious, New Zealand's Mens team)
It is ranked #30 in year 2008
The University is ranked 2968 in the World University Ranking since it's still a fresh University established in year 2002. The University is ranked 2968 in the World University Ranking since it's a fresh University established in year 2002.
Its not.
349 , according to the '2012 university web ranking'.
polytechnic university University of Technology, Sydney ----it isn't ranked anywhere in world level rankings
47th according to Wikipedia
I think is the last one in the world, because no ranking has been posted for it
This college is ranked about around 427.
The ranking of Cardiff is 20 in U.K and it has ranked 99th all over the world