Either the Detroit Lions or Buffalo Bills, geographically speaking ...
Canada is organized into several Provinces. A Province is very similar to a state in which geographical regions of Canada are divided up and sectionalized.
Many parades are organized by labour unions across Canada.
City of Edmonton (Urban) 683.88 km2 City of Toronto (Urban) 630 km2
British Columbia is located in the middle of paradise , on the west coast of Canada .
No, an atlas is typically organized geographically, with maps arranged by regions, countries, or continents. It is not organized in alphabetical order.
They both are a country
Canada, China, United States
International borders such as usa , alska, and Greenland
Geographically, Canada is the second largest country in the world. (after Russia)
Since the beginging of time, or at least when they made a complete map of Canada.
Canada is the second largest country in the world by land area.
Yes. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia. The USA is 3rd on the list.
Either the Detroit Lions or Buffalo Bills, geographically speaking ...
Well Canada isn't geographically in Afghanistan, but if you're talking about in the war then Canada is in Afghanistan to try and help achieve freedom for the Afghans and because many of Canada's allies are also in the war.