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Captain Smith was going full speed , 24 knots

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Q: How fast was Captain Smith speeding?
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how fast was the titanic going before captain smith changed the speed?

Captain Edward John Smith was speeding. When he was speeding, the ship was going at 24 knots!(full speed)

WHO wanted the Titanic to go so fast?

Captain Edward J. Smith

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The Captain of Titanic was Edward John Smith.

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Edward John Smith was the captain of Titanic (as opposed to Captain John Smith, the early explorer, who was not).

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Captain Edward John Smith was the captain of Titanic.

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The name of the captain of Titanic was Edward John Smith.

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Captain Edward J. Smith was the captain of the Titanic.

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Captain Edward John Smith

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Why was captain edward John Smith become captain?

Captain Smith was the "Gentleman's Captain"and a favorite of the White Star Lines.

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Captain Edward.J.Smith