The total direct flight time between Johannesburg, South Africa, and Perth, Australia, is about 10h 19min. This does not include the amount of time you may spend waiting at an airport for a connecting flight. The flight distance is 8,341.14 km.
No such thing - the distance is over 2,500 miles, no helo flies that far without running out of fuel.
I'm not sure why this question is in the section on South Africa. South Africa is one country on the continent Africa. Africa has more than 40 separate countries. Ghana is one of those countries, and happens to be in the Western part of Africa - i.e. very far from the country South Africa. Sorry I didn't answer the question, but hope this gives come clarity about Africa.
South and far south
SABC1 -South Africa
5,173 miles / 8,325 km
Sydney to Perth is a 5 hours 0 mins flight
The direct flight distance is 1,697 miles.
Perth is in Western Australia, on the far south-western coast. It is quite far away from the other states.
It is approximately 8960 air miles from Shreveport to Johannesburg, South Africa. A flight from Shreveport to Johannesburg is approximately 19 hours long.
about 10,000 miles to the far south, (around there)
by plane, from the capital city Lisbon, it can be a twelve to fourteen hour flight.
No such thing - the distance is over 2,500 miles, no helo flies that far without running out of fuel.
South Africa has a far larger economy.
South Africa by far.
10,814 miles in south easterly direction