15 min by car. 15-20 min by train from Schiphol Airport to citycenter Amsterdam
Airline distance is 1337 miles (2151 km).
Just like most of central Europe, Amsterdam is 6 hours ahead - the dates USA and Europe switch over to DST are different though. So as of now (March 23rd) Amsterdam is only 5 hours ahead and will switch to DST on the last Sunday of March (as far as I know).
By train: about 20 minutes By car: about 18 km (11 miles)
Hilversum is about 20 minutes travel by fast train (Intercity) from Amsterdam Central. It is every half hour on weekdays. If you miss that you can get on to a snel train (Slow) from the same Amsterdam Central station which is also every half hour but takes about 40 minutes to reach Hilversum Station.
The population of Tilburg is 207,510.
The area of Tilburg is 119.15 square kilometers.
Tilburg University was created in 1927.
Approximately 370 miles driving, according to Google Earth.
Tilburg chess tournament was created in 1977.
Tilburg railway station was created in 1863.
Tilburg Ten Miles was created in 1988.
Tilburg chess tournament ended in 1998.
about a 10 minute ride by taxi
How far is Amsterdam from Hamburg?
1,267 km
by train