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lothor destroys the storm megazord and brings back to life all of his fallen solders.

Once the wind rangers destory them,lothor takes away their powers.With the determination of defeating lothor even without their powers,the rangers seal lothor

within the abss of evil along with their ranger powers thus ending ninja storm.

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Q: How does power rangers ninja storm end?
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When did Power Rangers Turbo end?

Power Rangers Turbo ended on 1997-11-24.

When did Mighty Morphin Power Rangers end?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ended on 1995-11-27.

What is the name of the last episode in wild force power rangers?

The name of the last episode of the wild force power ranger team is called The End Of the Power Rangers

What is the name of the power rangers movie?

The Red Ranger movie wasn't a Power Rangers movie, it was just a Super Sentai movie but it was titled "GaoRanger vs. Super Sentai" however there was an episode in Power Rangers in which previous Red Rangers end up coming back which was an episode during Power Rangers Wild Force that was titled "Forever Red."

In Power Rangers RPM isn't it sad that the whole world got destroyed for several years?

I think so. Power Rangers from Mighty Morphin to Jungle Fury (Lost Galaxy did not fight villains on Earth) fought so hard and so long to keep the world from being destroyed and when RPM (season 17) comes a sinister computer virus called Venjix (not General Venjix from Power Rangers Wild Force) destroys everything the Power Rangers fought to protect. It feels like all that fighting was for nothing. I am certain that all Power Rangers fans in the world will never forgive the Venjix Virus for what he did to the world. At least in the end Venjix gets contained forever after his body gets destroyed and that the world is starting to get rebuilt to its old way. The Power Rangers can finally rest knowing the world is safe at last. For those of you that haven't seen most of the teams, the series went in this order MIGHTY MORPHIN, ALIEN RANGERS, ZEO, TURBO, IN SPACE, LOST GALAXY, LIGHTSPEED RESCUE, TIME FORCE, WILD FORCE, NINJA STORM, DINO THUNDER, S.P.D, MYSTIC FORCE, OPERATION OVERDRIVE, JUNGLE FURY, RPM. For all fans out there POWER RANGERS FOREVER!

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