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Spiral galaxies look like flat white disks with yellowish bulges at the center and disks filled with cool gas and dust, interspersed with hotter ionized gas and usually display beautiful spiral arms

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12y ago
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11y ago

There are many spiral galaxies; it is a fairly common type of galaxy. Names of individual galaxies of this type include Milky Way, M31 (a.k.a. Andromeda Galaxy), and many others. The generic name is simply "spiral galaxy".

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14y ago

They all have a black hole at their centre. It is not understood why stars at the outer edge of the galaxy rotate with the same speed as those nearer galactic centre.
They are relatively rare in regions of high galaxy density.

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14y ago

Just like all galaxies, a spiral galaxy is made up of billions of stars. It will tend to have older stars in the middle whereas younger stars are found in the outer edges and in the spiral arms.

See related link for more information.

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14y ago

Spiral galaxies are located through out the known universe. Galaxies in general are grouped together into clusters and in turn superclusters of galaxies.

You are currently about 25,000 light years away from the core in the Orion Spiral Arm of one such spiral galaxy the Milky Way.

Our local group of galaxies contains 3 spiral galaxies the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy as well as about 30 smaller elliptical and irregular galaxies.

The local group is one small cluster out of a 100 or so other galaxy clusters that makes up part of the Virgo Supercluster of galaxies in which there are many hundreds of spiral galaxies.

More distant superclusters of galaxies such as the Pisces-Aries Supercluster also shows a similar number of spiral galaxies.

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14y ago

A center of a spiral galaxy, is an area of dense clouds, gases and dust, stars etc. The temperature is also very high as compared to the galaxy's edges. Also, there is a supermassive black hole in it.

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15y ago

Galaxies are the shape that they are because of the way the gas and dust that made them were moving. When relatively stationary gas and dust begin to coalesce, the result is irregular or globular. When spinning gas comes together, it forms spiral galaxies.

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7y ago

A galaxy having a spiral structure; arms containing younger stars spiral out from old stars at the center

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13y ago

The Earth is a planet.

Our Galaxy - the Milky Way - is a spiral galaxy.

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13y ago

They heave a cluster centre with 3 or 4 arms trailing in a curves around them

I have added a picture in related scource below to give you a better idea

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What are the types or categories for galaxies?

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While spiral galaxies are bright, elliptical galaxies are dim. Spiral galaxies are hotbeds of star formation, but elliptical galaxies aren't nearly as prolific because they contain less gas and dust, which means fewer new (and brighter) stars are born

How many galaxies are spiral?

Approximately 60% of all galaxies are spiral

How many barred spiral galaxies there?

It's not known to any degree of accuracy, but about 66% of all spiral galaxies are barred and about 60% of galaxies in the local Universe are spiral galaxies.

How many types of spiral galaxies are there?

Yes. There are two types of spiral galaxies: "S" (normal spiral) and the less common "SB" (barred spiral, with an elongated center).

What are the 3 common galaxies?

galaxie 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

How are galaxies classifyed?

spiral galaxies (ours), irregular galaxies, and elliptical galaxies.

Are there at least 60 billion spiral galaxies in the universe?

There at least 60 billion spiral galaxies in the universe because the spiral galaxies comprise of about 60 percent of all galaxies which are about 100 billion.

What are 5 different galaxies?

spiral, eliptical, cartwheel, barred spiral, and lenticular galaxies

The local group contains mainly spiral galaxies?

No. It has only 3 big spiral galaxies, but dozens of dwarf galaxies.

How did the spiral galaxies get its name?

because it was spiral

What are the 4 main galaxy shapes?

There are various ways of categorising galaxies, often based on Edwin Hubble's work on the shapes galaxies. Classifications often give the four main types of galaxies as: Spiral (including barred spiral), Elliptical, Lenticular and Irregular.