In the film "Remember the Titans," Julius Campbell does not die. He is a key character in the story of racial integration within the football team and the community. Julius and Gerry Bertier, another key character, both survive a car accident towards the end of the movie, which strengthens their friendship and bond. The film ends with both characters attending college together.
Oh, dude, Julius doesn't actually die in "Remember the Titans." He just gets injured during a game but eventually makes a full recovery. So, no need to mourn the loss of Julius, he's alive and kicking by the end of the movie. Like, imagine if they just randomly killed off a main character like that, talk about a plot twist!
Strong side
It was superman, I forgot why he was called that, but it was superman.
Julius Campbell played left outside linebacker. Left side strong side!
It's the "black power salute"
The titans players are: Gerry Bertier Jerry "Rev" Harris Ray Buds Julius Campbel Louie Lastik and the list goes on but if you want to find all the characters in Remember the Titans just go to... this is all the cast and crew members you need to know about!
Strong side
It was superman, I forgot why he was called that, but it was superman.
Julius Campbell played left outside linebacker. Left side strong side!
It's the "black power salute"
The titans players are: Gerry Bertier Jerry "Rev" Harris Ray Buds Julius Campbel Louie Lastik and the list goes on but if you want to find all the characters in Remember the Titans just go to... this is all the cast and crew members you need to know about!
Remember the Titans (2000) is rated PG.
He dies in another car accident. Poor guy
"Remember the Titans" did not win any Oscars.
Remember the Titans was created on 2000-09-29.
The Production Budget for Remember the Titans was $30,000,000.
Remember the Titans grossed $136,706,683 worldwide.