Darth Vader chokes him in "A New Hope" when he refused to give information.
Mac 101
Luke Skywalker has yet to die in the Star Wars universe.
Sergeant Kano has only appeared once and that is in the video game "Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes" and not much is known about him.
Dengar didn't die in The Clone Wars. You might have it confused with someone else
Even though there is no blood, there is some violence and characters die.
Captaian Rex apears ONLY in Star Wars The Clone Wars in bothe the movie and show.
No he did not die
No he does not
The answer is yes
mr pink
Luke Skywalker has yet to die in the Star Wars universe.
Rex's fate has not been confirmed as of yet, just like Ahsoka. So we'll have to wait until the Season 3 finale of the show airs on Cartoon Network.