You'd need a keyboard with umlauts, or you have to use unicode characters.
Say I will and always love you
The English translation of the Finnish word "bussiakatauklut" is "Bus Schedules." You can translate more words from Finnish to English at the Google Translate website.
If you count only the original Finnish words, there is no V. The most common letter is probably K.
Terve kaveritorMoi kaveritorHei kaveritUsually we don't say nothing more but the greetingword and the name. When we enter a group we say just one of the words...
Helki is not Finnish
Fish is "kala".
common finnish words are "Perkele" "Saatana" and "Vittu" note these are curse words what we comonly use a lot
Do you mean, one dot above two dots? If that's what you intended, it means "therefore." I don't think ever seen two dots above one dot... wikipedia article on this:
"Turpa kiinni"
Finland. You can go on google translate and tranlate that and other words. Good luck
You write in finnish: tämä puoli ylös. Tämä puoli ylös(/päin) (this)(way) (up) Those words except puoli, means excatly same things(tämä=this)(ylös=up). (Puoli is side/half in english) You can write ylös also: ylöspäin. But there's no difference.
Say I will and always love you
An ellipsis is a series of three dots. The dots start right after a word . . . and words begin again, but with no spaces between the dots or the words.
This is called an ellipsis and indicates the omission or suppression of words, or parts of words, as in "I'd write more on the subject, but . . . . " or "I'd write more . . . but I don't have time."The use and placement of the ellipsis can vary according to what it is being used to indicate. If used at the end of a sentence there should be four dots. You can read more about it at the links provided below.
The English translation of the Finnish word "bussiakatauklut" is "Bus Schedules." You can translate more words from Finnish to English at the Google Translate website.
Fire is "tuli" in Finnish.
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