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Don t read on, if you don t want to capitulate on your puzzle! The news is, there are solutions for the puzzle! And here is one solution:

















I also have the Orange and Yellow ones that you must put in the correct places. They are on the same row and there is one gap between the two. After I placed these I did the orange ones, then moved to the yellow as I was down to 5 instead of 6. I am sure you can put the rest of the colors on in any order but try to stay with one color group at a time, also I noticed that most of the colors came out to be running diagonally. Finally, the row on my board is the 3rd one down from the top (there can 4 tops but you'll find it) each time you start a new color start it on that same row, I have practiced this twice now and the second time around I did it in about 15 minutes. To find out which orange and yellow to use just look at the bottoms of them before and you will see the difference. Again, I am not sure if it is just the orange and yellow ones for everyone else but based on the production of the game and the other post I would assume confidently that this was the way the game was built. Pretty tricky ThinkFun...

My mother got a copy of this for Christmas, and I have to say that I'm in awe of the deviousness of Thinkfun, Inc. If you follow the implicit "rules" of the game - placing height-6 towers on the shortest bases, height-5 on the next-shortest, and so on - there is no solution. This is a classic mathematical problem first called the "36 officers problem."

Thinkfun got around this through a trick. One of the height-6 towers and one of the height-5 towers are manufactured slightly differently from the other five. (In my mother's version, these were orange and yellow respectively. I don't know whether this is constant from unit to unit, though.) The base is also constructed so that one of the shortest bases is slightly wider than the rest, and one of the next-shortest bases is slightly narrower. This means that you can put one specific height-6 tower on what would normally be a height-5 base, and vice versa.

Once you've placed these two towers in their swapped locations, the rest is trial & error.

How to solve the 36 cube.

First find the 6 piece and the 5 piece that are different (slightly) look inside at the middle.

On mine it is orange 6 and yellow 5.

Now orient the cube up. To find up the 3rd row has the 3rd position and the 5th position interchangeable with the key pieces you found. This 3rd row is your key!

The 6 orange goes in the 3rd position and the yellow goes in the 5th position.

Now fill in the orange with the diagonal toward the lower right corner using 3 Oranges total.

The bottom row has the orange in the left corner. Row 1 has orange in the position 2. Row 2 has orange in position 6. Orange is done.

The yellow Key 5 is in the 5th position. Going on a diagonal toward the lower right corner add the yellow in the 4th row 6th position.. From the upper left corner going on a diagonal now meet up with the orange partial row.

The row 5 has yellow in position 3 and the row 6 has the yellow in position 4.

Yellow and orange should be done.

Starting in position 4 in row 1 go diagonal to row 4 position 1 with the color of your choice.

Now at row 5 position 6 and row 6 position 5. Fill in the blocks. The puzzle is ½ done.

Now starting in your key row 3 position 4 go on a diagonal to upper right corner with a color of you choice

Row 5 position 1 ,and row 4 position 2. Finish off that color with row six position 3. 2/3 done

The other 2 colors have random pattern.

Row 1 position 5, row 2 position 1, row 3 position 6, row 4 position 3, row 5 position 4, row 6 position 2.

Put the remaining where they fit.


After memorizing the pattern you can solve in less than 5 minutes.

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