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Q: How do you move the bench on wizards of Waverly place on ds?
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In wizards of Waverly place ds how do find the shortcut to the boutique where Harper and her date are?

There is a bench to the right of the door. Move it and you will see a Hampster hole. Change into a hampster and crawl in.

What is the new episode on 'Wizards of Waverly Place' about?

Harper transforms into Juliet to help Justin move on

What is all the movies Selena Gomez was in?

mostly i think she was in monti carlo (dont know in i spelled it right sry) and wizards of waverly place: the move

What is wizards of Waverly place apartment 13b about?

I'm pretty sure that Alex wants to move out but she has nowhere to move to so she creates a magical apartment called 13B. Thats what i think.

Would you have to move to California if you wanted to Disney Channel actress?

yes you do i am moving there to adduition for wizards of Waverly place so yes you do have to move there if you want to send a letter to Disney like i did they said i could come down i sended to wizards ofwaverly place and Disney channel here it is : the Disney channel 3800 w.Alameda ave.burank ca 91505 wizards of Waverly place is: Hollywood center studios 1040 N.las palms Hollywood ca they might send you something bye

What age did Selena Gomez move to new york?

She moved when she was 17. Her mother didnt want her to go, but she insited on having her independance. She is quitting Wizards Of Waverly Place, to go to college and pursue her music career.

What happened to Juliets parents from wizards of Waverly place?

Juliets parents still work at the late nite bite because when they try to suck Alex and Harper's blood Juliet asked if they had to move again,but they didn't because she got kidnapped by the mummy.

How do you get unstuck from the cart in Waverly place on wizard of Waverly place ds game?

try all your spells (move or levitate) or you could try the freeze spell ...............this is what i said try them all!

Can you do CPR on a bench?

Yes you can, but if you are on a bench, you can easily move the victim to the floor and do compressions there.

Can I attack Pokemon on the bench?

Yes you can but it depends on a move though. If you look at it it should say a little description below the move. (If you had lucario he can attack bench Pokemon but doesn't apply weakness or resistance)

Why is the Wizzards of Waverly place show ending?

no they don't move to mexico... what a stupid answer LLN! actually they and the show 'cause all the stars have grown up and alex russo became the family wizard

Why did Wizards of Waverly place stop making new shows?

Wizards of Waverly Place is no longer airing new episodes after the "Who Will Be The Family Wizard?" series finale since it had reached its fourth season which is usually when most Disney Channel shows officially end additionally the show ended so that the cast members can move on to other projects such as for example Selena's solo singing career.