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Fold bottom paper back fold both sides in half fold top down fold top corners back not to big!DRAW

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Q: How do you make origami count dooku?
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When was Count Dooku created?

Count Dooku was created in 2002.

Which Jedi defeats Count Dooku?

Count Dooku is defeated and killed by Anakin Skywalker

Was Count Dooku a Jedi?

Yes Count Dooku was once a Jedi. He was taught by Yoda.

How tall is count dooku?

According to Wookieepedia, Count Dooku is 1.93 meters tall.

Who taught qui gon jinn?

Qui Gon Jinn was instruted by Count Dooku.

What is the name of qui-gon jin's master?

His master was Count Dooku. no lie. and count dooku's master was yoda.

What the a game code for count dooku clone wars adventurescom?

The code for the Original Count Dooku outfit is TruDooku

Did count dooku die in episode 3?

Yes count dooku died in episode 3 He was killed by anakin skywalker

Who is better Darth Maul or Count Dooku?

Darth Maul! He wastrained to kill jedi. While Count Dooku was a jedi

Who is count duku?

christopher lee plays count dooku

Does Count Dooku die in Star Wars 2?

Count Dooku is killed in the beginning of Episode III by Anakin Skywalker cutting off his head.

Did count dooku train grievous?

No, Count Dooku is also Lord Tyranus (sp?), the emperor's apprentice.