You have to choose Mudkip as a starter and then breed it with Ditto.
Gordon taylor
extremely sorry to embaress you but you could only find mudkip in ruby,sapphire or emerald!
Got to
You have to get a mudkip and breed it
get it to the daycare with a ditto. they get busy and make a mudkip egg
you mate mudkips, marshtomps, or swomperts. Or I think you can also trade.
I LURRRRRVEEE MUDKIP(not rly but wateva)But I really do luv em' :DYup. Once i capture a mudkip i can train it and make it evolve into a Marshtomp and then a Swampert! =D
To make mudkip evolve
Yes, you just have to do WiFi trades a lot and hope someone offers a Mudkip. If your game has registered a Mudkip, than you can make your message that the other trainers see say, "Please! I want a Mudkip!" or somethings.
Unless you cheat to make a shiny Mudkip, the shiny appearance rate is 1 in 8192. You will be restarting the game for quite a while if you are determined to obtain a shiny Mudkip as your starter.
It is a good team, especially when you have Mudkip. When you vs Diagla at the end make sure your Mudkip knows Mud Slap because it is Super Effective against Diagla.
No a Mudkip is a fish.
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ash never catches a mudkip he catches a treeco but Brock catches a mudkip