first u get information on mohenjo-daro (what to do,what to buy, where to go,what to see) then but it on a brochure!!!!!! its that easy!!!!!!
make me a brochure
three reasons archeologists thought mohenjodaro disappeared was 1) there might have been a bad storm or earthquake 2) invadors might have came and destroyed the city 3) they could have moved to the indus river for more food and water
Just make something like a Kampong Glam flyer and write information inside, plus add some nice decoration for a final touch.
Yes, unless you make movies in your neighborhood, which would require no travel.
So they could travel and fish.
I do not mean to make a trashy answer but... We don't know. Mohenjo-Daro simply means mound of the dead in the language. It's like saying why does "hi" mean hello in English? It just does.
Mohenjo-Daro's greatest acheivement was their complex draining system. It was a really good acomplishment because they were the first settlement in the world to make this amazing water draining system. The only other time the world say such a complex draining system was about 900 years later in Rome!
make me a brochure
when you make a brochure does the paper has to be big
three reasons archeologists thought mohenjodaro disappeared was 1) there might have been a bad storm or earthquake 2) invadors might have came and destroyed the city 3) they could have moved to the indus river for more food and water
This is a very broad topic - I'm not sure "the past" would make a good brochure. You might want to narrow it down to a specific time period so you could do a brochure like a travel brochure. Pick a time you're interested in - or the one your teacher assigns - and pretend you're a travel agent trying to get people interested in that time. Put some good pictures on it to show typical scenes from that time, and add enough information to explain what the major events in that period were.
You cannot make a brochure on Gmail. It is only a website for sending and receiving mails. You can make brochures on Word.
To make a brochure isn't really that hard to be honest. If you want to make it by hand then feel free but I would recommend if you are able to use Microsoft Publisher then this is the easiest option for you. If you are unable to print out then go to a library and you can do it there.
Yes you could make a brochure in it. For a simple brochure, it would be very good. For something more sophisticated and glossy, then a desktop publisher would be better to use.
The plural form of brochure is brochures.
The first thing you need to do is gather information and pictures for your brochure. When selecting pictures from the Internet, do not select any that are copyrighted or otherwise have their use restricted. Then, decide the most important information you want to put in the brochure and the pictures that you want to use. Use brochure maker software (which you can find free) to make your brochure.
Within most word processing programs the pre-designed format for a brochure is available to use in reference. Take what you know now and imagine going back in time, trying to encourage travelers to venture to the new world. In that mind frame create a brochure using pictures to illustrate the benefits and wonders of the New World.