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You ca not make a real lidht saber, but you can buy a kit

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14y ago

At certain toy stores, there is a kit that you can buy and you can make your own lightsaber, and there are more than a thousand different styles.

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How do you make it look like you are holding a lightsaber in windows movie maker?

You need the lightsaber video effect.

Is there a way to really make a lightsaber?

No, but you can follow a tutorial on YouTube of how to make a customized hilt for a costume. It's called how to make a lightsaber by the makers of backyard FX

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You could make a lightsaber,but it we'll probably take many years or it couldn't even happen.

How can scientists make a lightsaber the same as the Star Wars lightsabers?

No. While we can make jets of plasma, they are nowhere near as controlled as the blade of a lightsaber.

How do you construct a lightsaber?

I know that there are "make your own lightsaber" kits in toy stores like Toys R Us and Target.

How do you make a lightsaber in clone wars adventures?

you have to upgrade your account to membership, and then go to the lightsaber customization station... ( not that I've tried it. )

Where do you get your first lightsaber in Knights Of The Old Repbublic?

When you rescue Bastila on Taris, you can use a lightsaber with her character. But after Taris, you go to a Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Soon after, you start your training, and you make your own lightsaber.

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How do you make your own Star Wars lightsaber?

From what I know, some toy stores have a lightsaber-making kit which has 1,000 different designs.

Can you make homemade chili?

Yes, I can make homemade chili.

How can I create a lightsaber effect in iMovie?

To create a lightsaber effect in iMovie, you can use the "Video Overlay Settings" feature to add a lightsaber image or video on top of your footage. You can adjust the opacity, size, and position of the lightsaber to make it look realistic. Additionally, you can use the "Green Screen" feature to overlay a lightsaber effect onto your footage by filming yourself or someone else swinging a prop lightsaber against a green screen background and then keying out the green color in iMovie.

How do you make a lightsaber on swkotor?

well you have to get to the jedi academy on dantooine and the masters their will train you to be a jedi after this the final task is to create your lightsaber and the game should tell you how :)