Once you have beaten the elite four another lake will appear in Sinnoh. it's called the Spring Path and you can get to it by going to route 214 (between Veilstone and Pastoria). From there go into the lake area and enter the cave. Psypoke.com has a great walkthrough as to how to get to the center where you will find giratina. Remember to bring plenty of Quick, Dusk, Ultra, AND Timer balls. Dont use the Master ball you get in the game though you'll want to save that to catch Mesprit because it's the hardest legendary pokemon to catch in the game.
you can catch a ditto and put it in the daycare with a giratina and the they will make the egg. have fun
after beating the league, go to the spear pillar ( in MT. Cournet ). After fighting everyone, make it through the distortion world and giratina origin form will be at the end.(NOTE: it'll go back to regular giratina when you leave unless you get the special item)
After the creation of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, the only new Pokemon to be created were Giratina (Origin Form), Shaymin (Sky Form), as well as 5 new forms for Rotom who shall make their first appearance in Pokemon Platinum being released sometime in 2009. Whether they shall continue to keep creating more Pokemon after the release of Pokemon Platinum remains unknown.
u cant get Pokemon food u need to make poffins
no you need to have the three regies in your party to make regigigas appear
Beat the elite four. Catch the legendary pokemon, Giratina. after that you can just roam around but that's the end.
Repels make WEAK not strong Pokemon not appear
You do not have to fish to get Krabby in Pokemon Diamond. However you do need the National Pokedex to make Krabby swarms appear.
Giratina is in Turnback Cave if you have Diamond or Pearl. If you’ve already captured him in Platinum, you’ll find a Gresious Orb. It will change Giratina into his origin form if you make him hold it, and it also boosts the power of Ghost and Dragon moves.
The Electirizer can be found on wild Elekid in Pokemon Diamond. To make wild Elekid appear you need a copy of Pokemon FireRed in the GBA slot of the DS. While Pokemon FireRed is in the slot Elekid will start to appear on Route 205 and the Valley Windworks.
In Platinum,I think my friend told me a way to make Giratina form into the original form.If you complete your Sinnoh Pokedex,and you already catch Giratina,go back to where you already caught Giratina,and you would see a hole and pokeball.click the pokeball and go in the hole,find an another pokeball in the hole and come back.You would have a Griseous Orb and let Giratina hold it.You would see little black smoke around Giratina and voila!An original Giratina!Too see it closer,you would have to press "summary" to Giratina.There you have it,an original Giratina on your own!you can't get the origin giratina in diamond or pearl only in platinum
It's almost strictly by chance; check serebii.net for more info.
No, you can't make new Pokemon on Pokemon diamond...
NOTE: This Action Replay Code Will Not Make U Confront Him. Take A Weak Pokemon Partner Into Any Dungeon. After It Says Example: The Nightmare BF1 The Pokemon Partner U Choose Will Appear As A Giratina It Will Stay Like That Permintlly. Giratina Partner Code: 122ad750 00000211 NOTE: Short But Compleatly Works.
you can't you have to go to the right place at the right time like for exaple giratina you have to go to spear pillar just before going to sunnyshore city!
catch them or if u want codes? check them on Google, type in "wild Pokemon modifier code" then u can use that to make any1 appear, i used this code with my shiny code and i can make any1 appear and shiny
They give you a model of giratina,but no they don't make you get girtina in the Game.