Windows 98: You can't (using the Operating System)
Windows 2000: CTL+ALT+DEL then choose "Lock Computer"
Windows XP: Same as Windows 2000 or use shortcut Windows Key + L
you need the password or you can reset it on your own computer
Of Course He knows how to use a computer!!! my 8 year old cousin can use a computer _____________________________________________________________________ just like the other one said HE KNOWS HOW TO USE A COMPUTER! my sister is like 7 years old and can use computer!
I believe they use a Dell computer
I dont know its a mystery!You can just click the little caps lock button you used to turn it ON, unless your computer is stuck, then you press Control, Alt, and Delete ALL AT THE SAME TIME as many times until your computer is no longer stuck; then you will press Control, Alt, F4, Tab, Shift, Space, and Page Down ALL AT THE SAME TIME.Your keyboard probably has a Caps lock button somewhere on the left of it (or on the right if your computer is not a popular model; some computers don't have an option to turn off Caps Lock, so don't be freaked out if you can't find it, your computer is just wierd, and its probably right next to your pinkie finger right now). Just press it and caps lock turns off.Just simply press the button in the keyboard that says....CAPS lOCK... that's all!There is an OBVIOUSLY LARGE key on the left hand side of the keyboard labelled Caps Lock!!! IT IS SO OBVIOUS!!!Control, alt, f4, tab, shift, space, page down - all at the same timeHope i helpedPRESS THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON... its that easyIf you want to be boring, you can just press the Caps Lock key to the left of the "A" key, but if you want to be ORIGINAL and COOL, you press: Control, alt, f4, tab, shift, space, page down: ALL AT THE SAME TIME
Humans understand natural numbers (1,2,3,etc) , but computers only understand binary (0,1). Computers only understand either 0 as "off" and 1 as "on."
No, this is only licensed for use on one computer.
put a parental lock on it that will work
No, you cannot. For that to be possible, your ipod would have to be connected to the internet, which only occurs when your iPod is connected to your computer. Unfortunatly, the iPod now belongs to the thief.
You can use the and. Stacy took the key and then turned it in the lock. Stacy took the key, then turned it in the lock. See? Same Difference.
When I use ooVoo I can not turn my computer off..It seems to lock it.
The F Lock on a keyboard disables the use of function keys. E.G: F1 F2 F3 etc.
When you lock a computer you are still logged in and all the programs are running. It will only accept further input once you enter your password. Logging off closes all of your programs and returns to the default state of awaiting user.
Plug your What_is_the_combination_lock_code_for_ipodinto your computer and open iTunes. Then when you unplug your iPod the lock will go away and you can use your iPod freely again.
A USB security lock is just one more in a long line of amazing security innovations that is beginning to help consumers protect their homes and identities from theft. You can use a USB security lock in a number of ways, and there are a number of different types of locks out there that you can use. You can get a program for your computer that requires you to plug a USB with a code imprinted on it for your computer to work, or you can even get a digital lock for a room in your home that allows you to use the USB for entry.
yes you can
Set a password.
Yes, by pressing the Caps Lock key a second time it will unlock.