The average height of a toddler varies in gender, age and race. Other factor that may affect the height of a toddler includes premature birth. But on average for children around 2 years, their height should be around 33 inches.
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Family Feud answers: Duck, Penguin, Pregnant woman, toddler
no because a pre-teen needs her privacy and it is against the law
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You should never let a toddler handle a knife by him/her self because it is very dangerous.
When a toddler is throwing a tantrum, a parent must remain calm and assess the situation. Film discipline without physical harm is recommended. A tantrum should never be rewarded but should be appreciated.
A toddler car seat is needed if someone has a toddler and needs to have them inside the car. The toddler car seat is specially made to protect the toddler in case of an accident.
what is another name for a toddler
what is another name for a toddler
time-out. make the toddler face the wall for aproxximately 20 minutes or until toddler understands .
A toddler is a child from age 1 to 3.
A toddler is a child aged 1 to 3.
I give up, what did the toddler say?
Release your inner toddler
A toddler is 2-5 years old.
The possessive form of the singular noun toddler is toddler's.Example: The nursery was strewn with the toddler's toys.