You get it on the last level unfortunatly beydamo saysyou already have a irkran and then you can never see your precious toruk again :'(
There are 2 types of "banshees" that are seen in the movie. The ones that the Na'vi bond with and ride are mountain banshees, or ikran in Na'vi. These come in a variety of complex color patterns, including blues.There is a smaller forest banshee, or ikranay in Na'vi, which can be seen and looks to be completely blue with some black markings.
Its called a "Toruk"
It is a Great Leonopteryx, or toruk in Na'vi.
Hammerhead (Angtsik), Thantor (Palulukan), Banshee (Ikran), and a Leonopteryx (Toruk)
Toruk Makto
No u cannot
There are 2 types of "banshees" that are seen in the movie. The ones that the Na'vi bond with and ride are mountain banshees, or ikran in Na'vi. These come in a variety of complex color patterns, including blues.There is a smaller forest banshee, or ikranay in Na'vi, which can be seen and looks to be completely blue with some black markings.
Its called a "Toruk"
It is a Great Leonopteryx, or toruk in Na'vi.
Toruk maybe you should watch the movie again.
Hammerhead (Angtsik), Thantor (Palulukan), Banshee (Ikran), and a Leonopteryx (Toruk)
The Great Leonopetyx, or toruk in Na'vi, is believed to be the apex aerial predator on Pandora.
in the avatar game the avatar is a blue creature like a human but not and is on an avatar planet but avatar the game comes from a movie and that is all about an avatar in the game.
Mountain Banshee (Na'vi word Ikran)Forest Banshee (Na'vi word Ikranay)Great Leonopteryx (Na'vi word Toruk)