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The third gym is in Hearthome city instead of Veilstone on Platinum.

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Q: How do you get to the third GYM inPlatinum?
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Who is the third gym leader in SoulSilver?

The third gym leader is Whitney.

What is the third gym?

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What is the third hm for the third gym in platinum?

defog is the third usable hm after you beat fantina, the hearthome gym leader.

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Fantasia is the third gym leader in case you didn't already know that

Where is the third gym in FireRed?

The third Gym is in Vermilion City. Its speciality is Electric type,and its weakness is water.

Where is the third gym in HeartGold?

The third gym is in Goldenrod City. It is located north of the Ilex Forest. The gym is in the upper right portion of Goldenrod City.

Which gym in Pokemon ruby is the third?

Wattson the electric gym.

Can you be a gym leader in pearl?

Sure you can. In ruby, the third gym leader leaves his gym.

Where is the third gym leader in Pokemon soul silver?

The third gym leader is in Goldenrod City in the radiotower. after you get the radio card she goes to her gym to the east of the radiotower.

What city do you get the third gym badge on Pokemon ruby?

it is Mauville gym

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It is an HM you get from the third gym leader.

How do you find the third gym leader in Pokemon soulsilver?

In the goldenrod gym.