Yes,you can trade with perl,diamond,platinum and soul silver.You can trade before beating the elite four.
To get the second Elite Four, you must have already defeated the Elite Four the first time, and the second time you go to fight them, they will all be leveled up, and become the 'Second Elite Four'.
Yes you can you have to beat the elite four and then get the national pokedex.
There is a fire stone in the solaceon ruins.
Well, you can't get to the Elite four without going to SunyShore, but you MUST either capture or KO Giratina before you're allowed to go to Sunyshore.
Once you've beaten the Zhery Elite Four, you'll be given a ticket to the Lauren region. Go to the Seanport City ship port and take a ship to the Lauren region.
The Elite Four
they are in the Pokemon league.
to the elite four.
Yes,you can trade with perl,diamond,platinum and soul silver.You can trade before beating the elite four.
by passing the game
I think its Bertha of the Elite four.
Behind the ELite FOur place.
you beat the elite four
40s and 50s
you cant, it's impossible