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There is no easy way to get shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl without using cheats or the Poke Radar. Breeding for a shiny Pokemon is more reliable than finding one in the wild. This is due to already knowing what Pokemon will hatch from the egg rather than what you'll find in the wild.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

W/O the radar, its luck, with, its still luck. If a shiny Pokemon is in the area, the grass will flash white and sparkle while shaking. If you want it, use a Master Ball if you have several, otherwise, be careful.

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Q: How do you get shiny Pokemon without AR using the pokeradar?
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What Pokemon do you find using pokerader in Pokemon Diamond?

the Pokemon you would normally find but with pokeradar you can get the shiny version of that Pokemon but that takes hours and there are some special rules for to get it. also pokeapp 20 is something you can use with using the pokeradar

How do you catch shiny Pokemon in diamond?

it is very rae to find them but if your lucky enough you will find one i did insted use the poke radar if the grass is shiny rusling its shiny i caught like 10 shiny Pokemon and i got dialga shiny

How do you find shiny Pokemon in Pokemon pearl?

Its random to find shiny Pokemon you have a 1/8000 chances to see one if you want to find a certain Pokemon shiny stay in the area of that Pokemon where either you can find it all the time or most of the time: For Example: Stay in Artisan Cave to find a shiny Smeargle.

How do you get shiny Pokemon in Pearl?

Well if you search in the grass much enough you might be able to find one. But it is very rare that you find a Shiny Pokemon but if you are a cheater who puts in cheat codes then you will find one how to know it is a shiny Pokemon from the Pokemon there comes a circle like sparkle from it an it makes a fun noise but shiny Pokemon are very rare.

Can pokewalker Pokemon be shiny?

yes you can put a shiny Pokemon in the pokewalker i put shiny suicune in mine but it wont look shiny. I put a shiny magikarp in mine, but can you catch a shiny Pokemon using the pokewalker, esp. Pokemon that cannot be caught anywhere else?

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Is there a way to make one Pokemon shiny without using cheats?

walk into the grass and use the pokeradar (after national dex) and if the grass has stars that meens it a shiny pokemon! hope this helped BrYcE:)

How can you get ashinin Pokemon?

If your saying shiny you can get a shiny by using the pokeradar and getting a chain of 40 or you can use an action replay

Where do you find the cheat for Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon pearl?

Try using the pokeradar, its not perfect but it could lead you to a find.

What Pokemon do you find using pokerader in Pokemon Diamond?

the Pokemon you would normally find but with pokeradar you can get the shiny version of that Pokemon but that takes hours and there are some special rules for to get it. also pokeapp 20 is something you can use with using the pokeradar

Pokemon platinum how to get shiny nocktowl without cheats?

Keep walking around where you see Noctowl. Eventually, and VERY rarely, you will find a Shiny Noctowl. The PokeRadar helps, too. If the grass is shiny while using it, it's a shiny.

What is the cheat for all shiny Pokemon?

there is no cheat On the R4 you can choose a cheat to find shinys using the pokeradar

Pokemon ruby shiny Pokemon?

Meeting a wild shiny Pokemon is around 1:8192 chance. However, on Diamond and Pearl, you can apparently get one more easily by using the Pokeradar in a specific way.

Were does magmar live in Pokemon platinum?

Its found at the Fuego Ironworks without using pokeradar

How do you catch shiny Pokemon in diamond?

it is very rae to find them but if your lucky enough you will find one i did insted use the poke radar if the grass is shiny rusling its shiny i caught like 10 shiny Pokemon and i got dialga shiny

Can you get Ditto in Pokemon pearl without cheats?

You can get ditto in route 218 by using a pokeradar i think?

Which Pokemon can you get using the PokeRadar in Pokemon Diamond?


On Pokemon platinum could someone make an action replay code for a shiny Magikarp with 200 in every stat?

There are codes for some stuff and there is a code for finding shiny Pokemon in the grass withought using the pokeradar but idk the code