Basically, you can transfer Shaymin to Pokémon White with another DS.(Look this up in your Pokémon White instruction manual.) Or you can Action Replay(if possible) or you can legally download Shaymin into your DS game with the help of your computer.(My sister tells me so.)
At night Shaymin reverts back to its land form.
Shaymin sky form is only in Pokemon heart gold,soul silver, and Pokemon platinum by showing the flower shop lady a shaymin.
Shaymin is a legendary Pokemon, thus it does not evolve. To change it into it's SKY FORME you need a gradedia flower. Which you can receive only from a wifi event that is past. In Pokemon black, a lady will give you one for free in Laconsa town.
Its impossible now as the date is gone to download it, but if you still want to know, you have to go to mystery gifts and download by wi-fi then you get a special item at the shop from a man in a green suit. Then you have to use it and then you have the chance to catch shaymin, and if you want to and have the right item then give it to shaymin to make it turn into shaymin sky.
If you mean Shaymin its a legendary Pokemon of flowers! :D
Shaymin cannot evolve.
The only way to get shaymin is to do the event in pokemon Platinum/Pearl/Diamond and to transfer it to pokemon black/white
Shaymin is not available in Pokémon Black or White.
You cannot catch Shaymin in Pokemon Black or White. You'll need to trade for it from the GTS or transfer it from the Transfer Lab.
Go under pokemon modifyer codes and click Shaymin.
you can only transfer certain Pokemon by using the relocator
There is a certain Pokemon center, there will be a girl on the left side that will talk about the flower, if you bring shaymin as the first Pokemon in your party you will get the flower.. BUT your shaymin has to be legit from Pokemon event or from oaks letter
first you need to go back to Shaymin village and talk to the Shaymin closes the the dungeon entrence on the right.
its used for to catch shaymin when there was the event
no items can't be tranfered
Well if you have oak's letter shaymin will be at the white rock.