Revenge is a pretty strong word, and you didn't really give us enough information to help you. Revenge proves nothing! It makes the person feeling vengeful consumed with anger and even if you succeeded with revenge it doesn't lighten the load you feel. Think awhile and cool off!
It give you an imagine that someone will get revenge for what happened to them in Shawshank prison.
no one knows
He is Tina's little sister the one who wants revenge.
He has unfinished business. He was killed in such a way that he cannot rest (he is in purgatory), and he seeks revenge for his murder by inducing his son to kill his murderer. This conceit forms a part of the popular play form called the "revenge tragedy" of which Hamlet is an example. There is always some ghostly or spiritual entity egging someone on to revenge.
the one on my street.
Someone has done someone wrong (usually by killing one of their relatives) and therefore the wronged person plans to take revenge. The revenge is delayed through the play as the revenger plans it. Often a ghost or personification of revenge appears demanding that the revenger take revenge. The play usually ends with the success of the revenge but the death of the revenger.
No. No one will hack an minecraft server because someone wants to take revenge.
revenge is a deep stirring as if someone has messed you up, and you want to do it back to them.
Hate and revenge have the same qualities, one of those qualities are committing a malice act against someone or something. Hate and revenge both stem from anger so I believe they are equally heinous.
Going on with your life and having a good time is the best revenge! When someone has done something hateful to you they want you to hurt and to be as miserable as they are - so going out and having fun is the best way to get revenge.
They are wanting revenge of some sort!
Do what they did to you. Get revenge. But try not to show.
Revenge is to get back at someone. For example,There's a girl named Symone and she started a rumor about me. So I'm going to get revenge by starting a rumor about her.
The difference between the words of avenge and revenge is simple. Avenge is seeking to get back at someone on somebody else's behalf who has wronged them. Revenge on the other hand, is seeking to get back at someone who has personally wronged you.
Revenge is a cycle, not a matter of balance. if one pursues revenge on another, this pursuit will be seen as a threat and the instinctive reaction is to weaken the opponent from conducting another harmful attack. The only way to break the cycle is to realize it and end it yourself.
Revenge is bad because no matter how bad the person hurt you the first time, if you get revenge on them, you wont feel the slightest bit better. Of course their isn't one person in the world who can honestly say that they have never got revenge on someone, everyone has done it at least once. All i can suggest iis not to do it, things will only get worse.
If your revenge sigil backfires, you may have to find away to undo what you have done. It is never best to practice magic without knowing the consequences of one's actions. Everything one does to someone else will come back to the original person but worse.