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Regigigas is a fourth generation Pokemon. There is only one in-game in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and it can only be found in the basement of the Snowpoint Temple. The player must have Regice, Registeel, and Regirock in their party as well.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

that doesn't exist...

RegiFinder Says:

Yes, it does indeed exist. But yes, you DO need Regigigas to awaken the 3 Regis. In turn, you need the Regis in order to awaken Regigigas. Regiggigas can be obtained through the GTS, (After its been seen in the wild, I think you get the pokedex entry when you click on the un-awakened regigigas, like Mespirit before it runs away.) Have a friend trade you one, or go to the movie event.....IN Japan. (It already happened a couple years back. 2 maybe?) The best way to do this, is to get a Regigigas off the GTS, then awaken the Regis. The other way, (I did it this way) Is to migrate the Regis off of Emerald, Ruby, (etc.) And then awaken Regigigas. Catch Regigigas, then set off for the normal Regis. (Locations posted below.) Awaken them, catch them, then you have a nice pair of each Regi. Regis are very, very, VERY rare, so set one of each up on the GTS. Some users will trade mostly anything for them. And there you go. All the Regis, and 3 rare Pokemon to boot. (Ruby and Sapphire run about $20-$25 at GameStop, and Emerald runs for about $30.)

Regirock: Route 228, (Sandstorm area)

Regice: Mt. Coronet, (VERY IMPORTANT =====>) Route 216 Exit (Snowpoint)

Registeel: Iron Island, (At the end, with the shiny stone)

Enjoy your Regis!!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

In order to fight Regigas, You must have Regirock, Regice AND Registeel, which must be traded from Pokemon Ruby Version to your Pokemon Diamond/Pearl or the other version (Forgot the name) and you must have all those 3 Pokemon in your Team.

Pretty Neat huh?

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βˆ™ 12y ago

you have to have Regirock, Regice,

and Registeel in your party before you can battle it.

Head to the temple at the northmost portion of Snowpoint City after getting

the National Pokedex. Candice will then permit you to enter the temple.

Just navigate your way to the different floors, picking up a CALCIUM and

NEVERMELTICE along the way. Once you get to the room with a Pokemon statue

in it, navigate the icy floor to the center of the room. Examine the Pokemon

"statue" to battle Regigigas.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

you must have regirock, registeel and regice with when you go up to him

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βˆ™ 14y ago

i heard that you have to take the 3 regies from ruby,sapphire or emerald and put them in your party and go to regigigas press A my friend did it and it worked.

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How you wake up regigigas with out others?

As far as I know, it isn't possible to wake up Regigigas without Regice, Regirock, or Registeel, and the only way to get those three is to have a Regigigas in your party that was obtained by Nintendo Event. Hope this helped!

Where is regigigas on platinum?

In Snowpoint Temple, but it is sleeping. To wake it up you'll need to have all 3 Regis in your Party and go to Regigigas.

How do you get to regigegas in snow point temple?

You have to transfer from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald the three Regis, then Regigigas will wake up.

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In the snowpoint temple you need the 3 regi's from ruby,sapphire and emerald to wake up regigigas.

Where can you catch regigigas in Pokemon Pearl?

After you defeat Cynthia, go to the temple in Snowpoint City. At the bottom floor is a Regigigas statue. You have to have to have the three other Regis from Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald in your party or it won't wake up.

Can you get a regigigas?

Yes, but you must have all the regi's in your party (Regice Regirock Registeel) for it to wake up from the bottom of snowpoint temple at the top of snowpoint city

How do you get Regigigus in Pokemon Platinum?

You need to transfer the 3 Regis from Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald and take them to the Snowpoint Temple, Regigigas will wake.

How do you catch regiggas in pearl?

if u had sapphire ruby or emerald then transport the regis into ur ds game and go n wake regigigas up or if ur friend has platnium tell him to finish game n catch the regis n trade wit u or let him do the work n trade regigigas wit u

Where do you get Master Balls and Regigigas in Pokemon Diamond?

Cyrus will give you a Master Ball. The only other way to get more Master Balls is by winning the lottery - I think. In regards to Regigigas, you must go to Snowpoint Temple with Regirock, Regice and Registeel in your party then you have to make your way through the ice path and you'll run into it and it'll wake up.

How do you say 'to wake up' in Spanish?

"To wake up" in Spanish is "despertar".

Where do you find regigigas in pokemon ruby?

No. Regigias is only available in in gen 4 and up. You can catch regigigas in PokΓ©mon omega ruby and alpha sapphire

What happens if you wake up a sleepwalker?

they wake up