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You have to have a Wii Pokemon Battle Revolution, and to enter the following code: B416-X4HT-VTWF. If you want Electivire, enter this code: BA16-X4SH-E2AT. You have to have the hyphens and capital letters.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

You need in action replay and you need the code to catch any pokemon.And when you have the code go to your bag and put items there you will have 493 master balls then toss out 26 masterballs and walk in the grass holding the button l

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βˆ™ 12y ago

You will need a Magmar and the Magmarizer. Magmar's are obtainable at the Safari Zone with some work with blocks, or at the Burned tower in Ecruteak City on BF1 (though the chances to find them are slim). After you've caught that, head to Cinnabar Island (in Kanto) and use Rock Climb (obtained from Professor Oak in Pallet Town after getting all 16 badges) to find it there. Then, give it to Magmar and trade it. Viola.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

You can't get the Magmorzizer in Diamond and Pearl. You have to get it off an event by using Pokemon battle revoulution by using heated secret gift.


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βˆ™ 15y ago

you can get one in trade (link or GTS) with a magmarizer item equipped.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

To get a Magmortar, trade a Magmar that is holding a Magmarizer, that is found on wild Magby in Stark Mountain (but rarely) or on Route 227 if PokΓ©mon LeafGreen is in the GBA slot.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

You'll need to have Magmar hold the Magmarizer item and trade it. I recommend someone trading it to you.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

trade it while it is holding magmarizer and you'll have one.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Evolve Magmortar With The Magmizer.

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Q: How do you get magmortar in Pokemon Diamond version?
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Where do you can find a Magmortar in pokemon diamond?

The way to obtain a Magmortar is by trading a Magmar holding a Magmarizer.

How do you get magmortar in Pokemon Diamond?

Magmortar is the final evolutionary form of the baby Pokemon Magby. In Pokemon Diamond, wild Magbys can be caught on Iron Island or Route 228. It evolves into Magmar at level 30 after which it can be traded holding a Magmarizer and it will evolve into Magmortar.

How do you get a magmortar in Pokemon Diamond without Pokemon Battle Revolution?

Trade a magmar with the magmarizer

Where to get magnamizer in Pokemon Diamond?

The Magmarizer is a held item in the Pokemon games that helps the Pokemon Magmar evolve into Magmortar. This item can be found in Pokemon Diamond held by Magbys in the wild.

How do you catch a Magmortar in Pokemon Diamond?

you must trade or migrate a magmar/magby from another DS Pokemon game or Pokemon ruby/sapp etc trade a magmar while it is holding a magmarizer for it to evolve into a magmortar

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If you attach it to Magmar and trade it while it is holding the Magmarizer, it will evolve into Magmortar.

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Ash has 6 Pokemon in Diamond version

Magmortar in Pokemon Pearl?

Magmortar is a powerful fire type Pokémon. To get it in Pokémon Pearl version you would have to evolve a Magmar.

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Where is magmar in diamond?

Magby requires Level 30 to evolve into Magmar and then trade it while holding the Magmarizer to evolve Magmar into Magmortar in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. Magby can be found on Route 227 in Pokemon Diamond.

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