there is no possible way until heartgold and soulsilver come out on march 14, 2010.
then trade it to platinum.
platinum get arceus this year from a Nintendo event, get someone to trade you one from a platinum game
There is unfortunately no way to catch shadow Pokemon using a commercial cartridge or Action Replay. Sorry!
No, sadly you cant stop a roaming Pokemon with an action replay.
If you have Action Replay DS, there is, you don't get the pokemon, but you have to full pokedex. You can also fill the pokedex if you have an R4 or are using a ROM, using Pokesav. From N.S.
You can get it without action replay after u get national dex go to new moon island i think and u will see cresselia and it will run away once u have locator it will show up as a rare Pokemon on ur locator and just get to where it is and catch it
You use an action replay.
by using action replay
get the code
you cant do that using a code
It's Cyndaquil, and you have to transport it using Pal Park from Heartgold/Soulsilver, or hack the game using an Action Replay.
You would need to use an Action Replay code by using Action Replay DS or a flashcart which supports Action Replay codes.
You cant, only by using action replay.
you dont
you have to cheat by using an action replay... i wouldn't its cheating :(
if your asking if you can get mew with Action replay then yes you can. or you can trade using GTS global trading station using wi-fi conectivity
You are probably using an older Action Replay.