when you become the Pokemon champion you will be at you r home and check your Pokemon and see that the last Pokemon will be in the PC maybe or be gone and right in its spot will be the bad egg
Don't worry i keep trying to so ill try figuring out soon ;)
or, look up a code that overwrites a Pokemon in a certain slot (ex. first party slot) place the bad egg there, then overwrite it
well try harder!i have a stupid bad egg on my game that i cant get out of my party because it has a ball capsule that i cant get rid of!!!i have WAY to many Pokemon on my game to restart the game!!!SO PLZ HURRY!!!!
i had one on soul sliver and just got rid of the egg by duplicating my Pokemon.
it works
Bad Eggs rarely ever hatch and mostly never, but sometimes they take many many steps to hatch it. When it hatches, another Bad Egg will appear in place as if it hatched into a Bad Egg, but it hasn't been reported to crash your game or corrupt data.
494 = Egg 495 = Bad Egg 32768-33261 = Hybrids You can't catch these Pokemon, because it wants to display the pokedex entry afterward and glitch Pokemon don't have pokedex entrys.
I think a egg with a shiny Pokemon in it is a different color
dont use AR! i got a bad egg and had to start my game over!
A copy of Pokemon Emerald is required to get Teddiursa in Pokemon Diamond. By having a copy of Pokemon Emerald in the GBA slot of the DS Teddiursa will start to appear in Route 211 and Acuity Lakefront.
no! it just freezes your game
you should start the game from the beginning.
A Bad Egg is a glitch in the game. Having a Bad Egg is not a good sign in playing it. Bad Egg can hatch at any time. Hatching Bad Egg can cause your game to corrupt as well as your game files.
By using Gameshark hacks. Don't go there. Besides, just wondering, why would anybody want a bad egg?
if u use any masterball cheat u get bad egg in Pokemon PC
no such thing
By using too many cheat codes at once.
Sadly, there is no known way to get back a Pokémon infected by Bad Egg. All you need to do is to catch it again.
If you have a bad egg you really should be more worried about your game! it will make you lose all your data or something like that... that's what you get for cheating! == ==