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Well, the Griseous Orb transforms Giratina into it's other forme in Platinum so, you can't actually get a Griseous Orb in Diamond.

But if you trade Pokemon with someone who has platinum (and Giratina origin form) you can remove their griseous orb and give it to your giratina, it may change forms.

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Q: How do you get a Grieous orb on Pokemon Diamond?
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How can you trade Giratina with the griseos orb?

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How do you get a grieous orb in platinum?

You just go to the Turnbackcave and go to the Distortion World and it will be there.

Where do you get the griseous orb in Pokemon Diamond?

You cannot get the Griseous orb in Pokemon Diamond. You can only get it in Platinum, Heartgold, and Soulsilver and it is untradeable

How do you get Griseous Orb in Pokemon Diamond?

The Griseous Orb is only available in Pokemon Platinum.

How can you get the platinum orb in Pokemon diamond without transfer it from Pokemon platinum?

There's no way you can. It disppears when you trade the Giratina holding it. there is no platinum,pearl,or diamond orb its called the GRISEOUS orb,adamant orb and lustrous orb

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You can't get that on Pearl, as it is Platinum-only. Even trading it into the game won't work.

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you can't get it in diamond you can only get it in platinum

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you get it in the back of the spear piller with the chip Pokemon diamond so you have to get diamond version dialga is the one to be held of the adamant orb.

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There is not such item called "black steel orb".

Where is the griseous orb in Pokemon Diamond?

In sendoff spring

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The griseous orb cannot be gotten in diamond. it's a platinum exclusive.

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if you mean the orb palkia uses you cant get it unless you trade