You need an odd keystone, and put it in the hallowed tower on the road before solaceon town, go underground and talk to 32 people, click on the tower and spiritomb will come out and battle you. I'm not gonna tell you where to find the odd keystone, but there are two hidden.
To get spiritomb you need to find an odd keystone(in the under ground it will be a little rare,in twin leaf town in the little lake in the crack of the tree anda trainer near hearthome city at the left) and then fly to solaceon town and then go down,down,down and they will be a pile of rock. Press A and it will ask you to put the odd keystone and then go to the under ground and then greet and go to 32 secret base then come back to the place whit the pile of rock press A and spiritomb shall apear!
This is how to get Spiritomb in Pokemon platinum
1.go to twinleaf town and theres a little puddle,surf in there and you have to have HMsurf with you(beat the hearthome gym)or go to route 208 and theres a black belt there and he will also give you the oddkeystone
2.go to the hallowed tower in route 210and say yes to put it in
3.go to the underground and you have to have a secret base then you have to have a friend in there then talk to the boy/girl and go in your secret base then come out again (do this 32 times)
4.once you done that go back up to the hallowed tower then Spiritomb will appear (you might want to save your game)
and those are the steps on how to get Spiritomb
Hope i helped!!!!!!!!!!
Number 108 in the Pokedex for Pokemon Platinum is Spiritomb. It can be encountered by talking to 32 people underground (Excluding the Hikers; it has to be a friend.) and putting the Odd Keystone in the broken tower west of Route 209. Also, Champion Cynthia has Spiritomb in her Party, which can be count as an entry to the Pokedex.
Talk to 32 people underground and mine for an Odd Keystone. South of Soleacon Town put the Odd Keystone in the Altar. Then, catch your Spiritomb!
Spiritomb is Ghost and Dark Type. Extra Information: To catch Spiritomb, you need to place an Odd Keystone in the Hallowed Tower in Route 209 and have 32 conversations with a friend underground (You will catch Spiritomb in 25 lv.) Hope I helped :)
All known Pokemon have a weakness. But there is only one knoen Pokemon that does not have a weakness and that is Spiritomb he is found in both Pearl and Diamond but it is hard to catch. My reccomendation is get it from a trade in Wi-Fi or a friend.
A Spiritomb.
It is for catching Spiritomb.
Spiritomb Togekiss Lucario Garchomp Roserade Milotic
you find it in that abandoned house thingy
Well i know you can get one in diamond, pearl and platinum you may need to trade a Pokemon to diamond or pearl or platinum and your friend must give spiritomb.
Palkia, (Dialga for diamond) Arceus, and Spiritomb are some of the best.
I think arceus is the the strongest Pokemon in diamond and pearl. Also no moves are supereffective on Spiritomb and arceus
Pearl/Diamond-Lv.30Platinum- unknown
yes but in diamond its a man
garchomp,milotic,gastrodon, spiritomb and the rest i dont no
to catch a spiritomb Notice: all the Pokemon in your party have to be at least a lv.70
You can't. The only way you can get a spiritomb in Pearl or Diamond is using the flute at the top of the tower.