yes, if you beat Pokemon league you can go to the poke transfer lab and do it there. But if you don't have a extra game system you cant do it. you play a game to transfer.
Alder is only in pokemon black or white.
There's no Action Replay code for a Keldeo in Pokemon Platinum. Try asking for Black and White.
no.she is black!and why is it under Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum anyway?
Heatran is a ledgendary in Pokemon platinum.
There's no Route 505 in Pokemon Platinum.
No, but you can import Platinum Pokemon to Black.
you can transfer Pokemon from Pokemon platinum to black and white but you can't trade from black to platinum
You can never trade Pokemon from Black to Platinum, because Generation V Pokemon do not appear in Platinum or any other game before Black and White. However, you an transfer Pokemon from Platinum to Black after you beat the game.
You can't, you only can transfer Pokemon Platinum Pokemon to Black and White. I repeat, YOU CAN'T.
No, but you can transfer from platinum to black or white using poketransfer of relocater.
no you cannot't trade Pokemon from Pokemon black to Pokemon platinum or any past games.
No, there is no data of Pokemon black or white in Pokemon platinum so it won't know about any of the pokemon.
no, these Pokemon are unknown in Pokemon platinum
You can't get Thunderus in Pokemon Platinum at all. By then when Pokemon Platinum was made, no one knew that Pokemon Black and White were going to be made.
you cannot transfer Pokemon white or black Pokemon to Pokemon dimond, pearl, or platinum, sorry:}
I think pokemon Black is better than the both of them. Still, I liked pokemon Platinum.