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You can't. The number of minutes and hours in school are set by the state and not the school. More recess would mean more school day. The school and teachers have to count the number of minutes in the school day.

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Q: How do you extend recess time?
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Why is recess a homograph what can it mean?

"Recess" is a homograph because it is a word that is spelled the same but has different meanings depending on context. It can refer to a break or free time, as in "recess time at school," or it can mean a withdrawing or receding, as in "a recess in the wall."

Do students in Bolivia have recess?

Yes, it is almost universal to give students recess time.

When and where can you stop bullying?

Recess time at school is the best place and time. Recess is the best because you have the free time to talk it out, and there are many adults to talk to.

How is shorter recess better than longer recess?

shorter recess is better because you will learn more in school because there will be more learning time.

Why shouldn't we have recesss?

Recess doesn't make sense! We shouldn't have it! I am in 6th grade and we have recess and i don't like it. It takes time away from lunch. We shouldn't have recess.

How do you extend time?

You can't. The number of minutes and hours in school are set by the state and not the school. More recess would mean more school day. The school and teachers have to count the number of minutes in the school day.

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Why is recess a homograph?

Recess is a homograph because it is spelled the same and pronounced differently based on its meaning. As a noun, recess refers to a break or period of time in a school day for play. As a verb, recess means to recede or go back.

Should kids get no recess?

They should because if they been in school a long time they need their break which is lunch and recess and it will keep them happy.

Does highschool have recess?

do all french schools have recess

What is to play as recess is to school?

Playground or theater, depending on the meaning of play