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use the cheat code "gwen keven big chill gwen"for level lord(meaning,you unlock every level)or go to cheat planet for all the cheats like invincibility,all combos,and infinite aliens(all the aliens IN THE GAME)

please note that goop is not a cheat code, I tried it once it didn't work

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Q: How do you complete level 8 of ben 10 alien force?
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Where is the card on the first level of Ben 10 alien force?

between your legs

How do you complete and get on to level lord in ben 10 alien force the game?

Use this code: Gwen, Kevin, Big Chill, Gwen. then, go to secrets and turn it on.

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he wont unlock any aliens it different when its comes to Ben 10 and Ben 10 alien force

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I can watch The Gauntlet in Ben 10 Alien Force.

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There Is NO Hologram!

How do you complete level one of ben 10 alien force?

what part are you stuck at? Use this cheat to get all levels: (If possible) Gwen, Kevin, Big chill, Gwen

Who is the voice of ben tenison in Ben 10 alien force?

Yuri Lowenthal is the voice of Ben Tennyson in Ben 10: Alien Force.

When will Ben 10 Alien Force be aired?

Ben 10 Alien Force has already been aired.

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Of course Ben 10 alien force!

Who plays Ben Tennyson on Ben 10 Alien Force?

Ben Tennyson's voice actor is Yuri Lowenthal in Ben 10: Alien Force.

Is Gwen in Ben 10 Alien Force an Alien or Witch or could she be both?

Gwen is an alien named Anodite in Ben 10 Alien force. She is not a witch.

How to climb up the rocks in level 3 Nintendo Ben 10 alien force?

You can't